We are here to provide you with quality Medical services using modern Telehealth technology, a powerful new and safe Medical tool . This means no long waiting times in the office, no exposure to infections such as the Corona Virus (COVID-19), just speak to your doctor from the convenience of your home or your chosen location using your computer, tablet or smartphone. The future of medicine is here, contact us for an appointment today!
(Due to the current COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, we recommend following the Center for Disease Control Guidelines, including minimizing exposure to others if you are ill).
We are currently available for medical consultations using Telemed and phone appointments at this time. As a precaution, WE WILL BE SCREENING ALL PERSONS ENTERING THE OFFICE FOR ELEVATED TEMPERATURE, and may be using additional measures to protect patients and our staff. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Dr. Leland Dao and the Kaena Kai Clinic